Bouncing Balls, Bruh

ballsbruhSo a couple days ago, our instructor, Sherol, found the best way to rekindle the inner 5 year-old in all of us and challenge us at the same time. “Let’s animate a bunch of different colored balls and create our own physics system”, she said, in the most entrancing voice ever. It appealed to both the intellectual me and the 5 year-old me that kept thinking “ERMAGERD BALLS!!!”. So I did it, and ’twas quite stimulating and fun on many different levels.

In fact, my partner and I loved it so much that we kept adding complexity to it. We added a quadrant system to dictate the movement of the user-controlled (pink) ball based on where it was picked up and truly went above the call of duty with the addition of a ghetto slider stubbornly stuck in the 80’s at the bottom that changes the speed of the balls based on how you manipulate it. Be jealous.

Anyway, I encourage you to take time out of your crappy day and rekindle your inner 5 year-old.

Here’s the link:



  1. your blog posts just get better and better. thanks for making them entertaining and fun to read

    I want to take the time out of my crappy day…but the link doesn’t seem to be working. Make sure your repository is published onto gh-pages and that the repository name in the URL matches your repo name EXACTLY. (it’s case sensitive)

    you also don’t need index.html in there because github knows to fetch the file named index.html in the repo folder and play that on the web


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